by TB's LMC

My first "Thunderbirds" drabbles, five of 100 words or less for your quick and easy reading pleasure.

Drabble One

She was just there, just perfect and beautiful. I approached her, she didn't back off and there you have it. I can't say I'm sorry, but we both know that aside from our respective fathers, there's Alan to consider. If he finds out? He can't. And so even though I'm finding it difficult not to go back down those stairs, through that door and into her bed, I can't give Scott something else to get an ulcer about. As second eldest, I messed up. And so I'll handle it the only way I can. I'll back off. 

Drabble Two

It's still a sight I never tire of. Pool sliding back out of the way. The sun glinting off her silver hull. The spray of mist as she rises. I suppose it might be me reliving my launches. G-forces pressing you back into your seat, adrenaline rush over the sheer power surrounding you. In the case of Thunderbird 1, knowing it's my eldest doing what he does best - what he was born to do. As she disappears into the sky, my pride isn't for the one-of-a-kind rocket plane. It's for the man who flies her. That's the real thrill.

 Drabble Three

You think Thunderbirds are the real backbone of IR? They're not. The backbone is you. People who care enough about others to do right by them. Good Samaritans who stop and help even though they're not professionals. Those on-scene who stop and ask, how can we help? The police chief who gladly accepts our assistance. The firefighter who works with us to pull a victim out of the rubble. International Rescue was formed to help people. But the people help us, too. At the end of the day, we're all helping hands. You can make a difference without a Thunderbird.

 Drabble Four

Rescues suck. We hit the gym, take our frustrations out on the punching bag, treadmill, elliptical, weights. The pool for a hundred laps. Sometimes we take our anger out on each other. It's inevitable. We're the only ones we can talk to, we're all similarly affected and we haven't killed each other yet. I can't reprimand my brothers for something I myself do when I completely lose my cool. As field commander, I should be maintaining discipline in the ranks. However, I might have to wait until Alan forgets I just tried to make a pie plate his permanent tiara...

 Drabble Five

The water. If anyone asked me to succinctly explain why I love it so much, I couldn't. So much of what lies beneath the ocean's waves is unknown, undiscovered. Diving to the depths makes you sometimes feel like you're the last man on Earth. And it's hard to remember you are still on Earth when you're down that far. It's magic, one of my professors once said and she was right. I'd love to take you down there someday, let you see what I see. It's a different world. It's my life. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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