While I was reading Chapter 7
of Lemur's excellent story Thankless Tasks, I was
stunned by how perfect her description of the relationship
between Scott and Virgil was. One line in particular jumped
out at me... "Virgil was Scott's emotional lifeline."
This story is about that.
It had
been three days since they came back from the mudslide, and
the tension was still so thick you could have cut it with a
knife. The whole place seemed out of sorts, Jeff thought as he
walked through the living room and disappeared toward his
quarters. Somewhere in the depths of the villa, he could hear
Gordon and Alan bickering. Tin-Tin had excused herself to her
room earlier, complaining of a headache. And Scott and Virgil,
who rarely fought at all, still weren't speaking after a nasty
knock-down drag-out down in the hangar earlier that afternoon
over some instruction of Scott's that Virgil had apparently
ignored. After a few choice words had been exchanged, Virgil
had thrown a crescent wrench at him, which had thankfully
missed, and Scott had then charged over and tried to make his
brother eat it. It had taken Gordon, Alan, Brains, Tin-Tin and
a blast from the cold water hose to break them up.
Of course,
he knew they were all still rattled from the rescue. It had
been their first mudslide, a trip to hell they had unanimously
voted as the worst experience of their first year of
operations as International Rescue. After a week of nonstop
rain, what seemed like half a South American mountain had
collapsed. The resulting torrent of liquefied earth and stone
had all but buried the two small towns in its path. Although
they had found a few very lucky survivors, after that their
job had mostly devolved into an endless nightmare of dragging
dead bodies out of the filthy, stinking, garbage strewn mud.
Men, women, and children. A lot of children. It had taken two
days before enough relief had shown up from other
organizations that International Rescue could take a break.
remembered what they had been like when they came back,
silent, exhausted and stunned by how thoroughly nature had
beaten them. It was their first failure to save lives on this
large a scale, and Scott, as the field commander, had taken it
particularly hard. In typical fashion, he hadn't talked about
it beyond the standard cut and dried debriefing report, but
the shock and horror was written deeply in the lines of his
pale, haggard face. Jeff hadn't been on site, he knew he
couldn't possibly understand how devastating an experience it
had been for them – but he also knew that when Scott paused on
the way out of the room and said that he felt like no matter
how many showers he took, he would never be clean again, his
eldest son was talking about a lot more than just the mud.
Now, three
days later, things didn't seem to have improved at all. Scott
stood on the balcony, staring out at the ocean with blank eyes
as he knocked back his fourth glass of Scotch. Virgil was at
the piano, playing the same annoying melody over and over
again. Scott's fingers tightened around the glass. As Virgil
began the same thing yet again, he rounded on his brother.
"Virgil, you play that one more time and I'm gonna ram that
sheet music down your throat."
smiled sweetly at him. "I'd like to see you try."
stared, furious. Virgil determinedly began to play it again,
even slower, punching the keys hard for emphasis. Scott swore
and charged toward him. Virgil was ready for him, standing up,
dodging away from his brother's fists. Scott caught his
shoulder and yanked him back around, slamming him up against
the wall. Virgil came at him hard and they crashed to the
floor, rolling around, grabbing and punching and struggling.
Virgil! Stop that right now!" Jeff's voice thundered. "Take it
hard, Virgil looked at Scott. His brother's expression was
livid, his eyes like blue fire. Virgil rolled away and got to
his feet. Scott sprang up behind him and stalked out of the
went after him. "Hey, we're not done here!" he yelled.
flipped his hand, not turning around. He disappeared into his
reached the door seconds later, hitting the com switch.
"Scott! Open up!"
response. Virgil pounded on the door with his fist. "Open the
damn door!"
nothing. Virgil growled in frustration and keyed in the entry
code. The door hissed open and he stepped inside.
swung around, staring at him in surprise and anger. "We agreed
never to abuse having those codes," he said in a dangerously
level voice.
"I'm not
abusing it, you idiot. I'm just not letting you run away."
away?" Scott came stalking forward, incredulous. "What the
hell does that mean?"
"Oh, get
off it. I'm not insulting your precious honor here. Don't be
such a freaking princess, Scott."
Scott hit
him, hard. Virgil doubled over, crashing back against the
wall, the breath knocked out of him. He gasped, trying to drag
air back into his lungs.
stood in front of him, shaking with fury. "Don't you ever
speak to me like that again. Get out of my room, now!"
"Make me."
stared at him. For a moment it looked as if he was going to do
just that. But then he abruptly swung away and headed for the
doorway instead.
Virgil called after him in frustration. "Come back here!"
But he
wouldn't answer. The door hissed shut behind him.
cursed under his breath. He pushed himself away from the wall
and followed his brother.
He took
the stairs to the poolside two at a time, jumping down the
last three and lunging forward to catch Scott's shoulder.
"We're not finished yet."
swung around. "You're really asking for it, Virgil. Leave me
alone if you know what's good for you."
please. Did you hear that dialog in a movie, or what?"
Scott went
for him. Virgil ducked and came up swinging, sending his older
brother reeling backwards. "You son of a..."
He came
back hard, his next blow connecting squarely with Virgil's
jaw. Virgil crashed backwards across one of the poolside
tables, hitting the ground on the other side. He rolled
quickly and dragged himself to his feet just in time to be
knocked off them again by Scott's full weight. They rolled
around on the ground, each scrabbling frantically for the
advantage. Virgil scored a direct hit to the stomach and Scott
doubled over, coughing. Virgil dragged himself free and
crawled away, trying once again to get to his feet. Scott
twisted and grabbed his ankle, yanking him back down, and then
they were kicking and punching once more, rolling over and
over beside the pool, scattering chairs left and right in
their wake.
On the
balcony above them, Tin-Tin came up beside Jeff and Grandma,
who were both watching the fight in silence. "Shouldn't we
break them up?" Tin-Tin asked, wincing at the crashing,
banging and grunting drifting up from below.
child," Ruth Tracy answered, shaking her head. "Boys have got
to be allowed to be boys. And they won't really hurt each
other, you know. Not those two."
She looked
over at Jeff, who smiled ever so slightly. "That's right,
mother. We've got to let them work this out, whatever it is."
shook her head. "No wonder I have a permanent headache around
here. It's from trying to understand all these men!"
smiled. "You wait until you have your own children, Tin-Tin.
Then you'll figure it out real quick."
"Oh, no,"
Tin-Tin said hastily. "I've put my order in already. I'm only
having girls."
Down by
the pool, Scott and Virgil were steadily demolishing their way
through the poolside furniture as they grappled and punched
and wrestled. Panting, Scott held his brother off for a moment
at arm's length. "Why...are you doing...this...?"
stared at him. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"You, you
moron. You've been tearing us all new ones ever since we got
back from that mudslide."
Virgil saw
a flicker in his eyes, thought he was weakening. Scott saw him
lower his guard and took advantage, landing a solid right
cross that sent his brother crashing into the bushes on the
other side of the walkway. Scott shook his hand, wincing at
the pain. "I don't know what you're talking about."
picked himself up and brushed angrily at the sand and leaves
that clung to his clothes. "Goddammit, that's it. You're going
"Yeah? And
who's gonna make that happen?"
gave a sudden bloodcurdling war cry and launched himself flat
out at his brother. Scott yelled out as he abruptly found
himself flying through the air, the breath knocked out of him.
They landed in the pool together with an enormous splash,
sending a tidal wave of water in all directions.
Spluttering and coughing, the brothers surfaced. Scott turned
away and started swimming for the side. He reached the shallow
end and got his feet under him, wading towards the steps.
Virgil went after him, catching him just as he got there. He
grabbed his arm, hauling him back. "Oh, no you don't. You're
going to talk about this if it kills me..."
"If it
kills you..?" Something about the phrase made the corners of
Scott's mouth twitch despite himself.
Virgil saw
the opening, pressed his luck. "You couldn't have done
anything for her, Scott. She'd been under too long already."
grabbed him and swung him around, slamming him hard into the
side of the pool. "You don't know that!" he shouted. "You
shouldn't have pulled me off! If I'd kept trying, I could
"Scott...Scott! You were doing CPR for thirty minutes. Thirty
He braced
himself, not knowing if his brother was going to swing at him
again. But then Scott's shoulders sagged, the fight going out
of him all at once. He stared at Virgil, his expression
suddenly lost, blue eyes bright with unshed tears. "But she
had a pulse, Virg... They were all so cold and dead, and she
had a pulse..."
"You lost
the pulse after the first two minutes, Scott. You know that.
She went into full arrest. Then you just kept trying to bring
her back, but you never felt that pulse again, did you?"
didn't answer. He let go of Virgil's shoulders and tried to
push past him toward the steps, but his brother held on to his
arm. "Did you?" he asked, more softly now.
lowered his head in defeat. "No," he whispered.
reached for him. Scott tried to resist, but Virgil ignored
him, wrapping his arms around him. "She was so little, Virg,"
Scott said, voice muffled against his brother's shoulder. "She
never had a chance. She was just so damned little."
"I know,"
Virgil said, letting him talk it out, knowing he needed to
couldn't stop thinking about us when we were kids. What if
that had been Alan, or Gordon, or John? Or you?"
could smell the Scotch on his breath. When his brother got
like this, even alcohol didn't really help. "I know, Scott.
But there wasn't anything you could have done. There wasn't
anything anyone could have done."
father..." Scott's voice was beginning to break. "Her father
came up to me...did I tell you that...he thanked me...God,
Virgil, he thanked me for...for trying to...trying to..."
gonna fail sometimes, Scott," Virgil said softly. "You've got
to accept that. You did the very best you could. You always
do. But sometimes it just isn't meant to be."
He felt
Scott's body shudder as he lost it, giving in at last to the
awful suffocating agony in his chest, letting out the grief
and pain in great choking gasps. Virgil held him tight, hiding
his brother's face against his shoulder, shielding him as
always from the outside world as the tears ran down his own
face in sympathy. "It's okay," he said, over and over again.
"It's okay."
be okay now," Jeff said quietly on the balcony. "Come on
inside. We don't want them to know we were watching them."
shouldn't we go down there and see if they're all right?"
Tin-Tin asked.
Jeff shook
his head. "No," he said gently. "They've been brothers a long
time, Tin-Tin. They'll sort it out without any help from us."
looked at him, new respect for him in her eyes. "Why, Mr.
Tracy," she said, smiling back. "I didn't know you were such a
"I raised
five boys," he said, with a short laugh. "You don't do that
without learning a thing or two about how their minds work."
"If I know
those boys, they'll be up here looking for pie and ice cream
next," Ruth said. "I'd better go see what I can rustle up in
the kitchen."
sounds like a good idea, mother," Jeff grinned. "Save some for
winked at her son and moved away. "And what about us?" Tin-Tin
asked. "What should we do?"
"Oh, I
don't know about you," Jeff sighed. "But Penny's coming in a
week, so I'd better go and order us some new poolside
couldn't help it. She burst out laughing. |