He ain't heavy. He's my
"No doubt
about to go on"
"Can you
pull me up?"
"'s nothing to get braced against up here...
You're gonna have to climb up."
"Climb up
what? I'm dangling here..."
"Can you,
like...grab a hold of my arm?"
"Can you
handle it if I start to swing?"
think so..."
hang on...I'm going to try..."
wait...wait! Damn..."
"I can
feel the ledge start to...give way every time you move."
"Give me a
"Sure...take all the need."
Can you reach your wristcomm?"
"No... I'd
have to let go of the rock I'm holding on to. What happened to
"I'm not
sure. It took a couple of hits, but I didn't think they were
that hard."
"Okay, so
come up with something..."
failing all else, I want you to just let go."
it's not that far to the ground..."
"Are you
crazy? It's at least fifty feet and probably more like sixty!
You'd be killed!"
maybe not, but if it comes to it, I don't want you falling
with me."
"If you
don't want me to fall with you, then you damn well better
figure a way out of this, because I am not letting go!"
"I'm not
the only one with a brain figure it out!"
"No, I'm
doing the brawn thing. The thinking part is up to you...
You're dangling over...a cliff...being held by the back of
your belt... How do you...escape?"
gonna take more than prayer, bro..."
right, what if we..."
Hang on, you guys!"
"Thank God
for the Cavalry!"
about time! Uh...if you could just hurry it up, please?"
here...just grab the rope!
"Got it!"
just hang on and I'll pull you up!"
okay... Oh man, that's a relief! I thought I was going to
start growing moss there... Uh, you can let go now..."
I don't think I can."
"Here, let
me do it... Looks like you've separated your shoulder."
whoever wrote that song, ‘He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother',
obviously never met you."
"I'll tell
you what. I'll consider that diet right after I treat you...
the both of the biggest steaks in Grandma's freezer.
Let's get out of here."
on!" |