These drabbles were written in response to the 2006 Tracy Island Writers Forum's Drabble Challenge. The challenge was as follows:

Choose three of the following six topics and write one drabble for each of the topics you chose. You will wind up with three 100-word drabbles on whichever three topics you chose. Here are your choices:

A) Scott during a rescue (could be his thoughts, someone observing him, something he's actually doing, etc.).
B) Virgil while playing the piano (again, could be his thoughts, someone observing/listening, etc.).
C) Gordon's and Alan's relationship as brothers (one or both of them thinking about it, one of them thinking about the other, someone else ruminating on their relationship, etc.).
D) Lady Penelope (either her thoughts or someone else's about her/what she does, etc.).
E) The Thunderbirds (perhaps the ship's actual POV or someone's thoughts about one or all of them, etc.).
F) Parody drabble (anything goes, parody style).

Drabble One

A) Scott during a rescue (could be his thoughts, someone observing him, something he's actually doing, etc.).

Watching the Field Commander from the shadows, I am unable to contain my glee; the plan to destroy International Rescue is working! I'm so close, I can see the look on his face as he spies his fallen colleague; terror, dread and horror, masked as one tormented _expression, reminding me that the blood pumping through my veins is warm.

'Gordon!' a desperate cry escapes his lips, echoing against the hollow earth.

I get that familiar feeling; it attacks the bottom of my spine and works its way up, slowly warming my insides as it goes. Suddenly, I feel alive again.

Drabble Two

C) Gordon's and Alan's relationship as brothers (one or both of them thinking about it, one of them thinking about the other, someone else ruminating on their relationship, etc.).

There have been very few times in my life when my brother, Gordon, has tested my patience but today is definitely one of them. He says she's oversensitive, that it was just a joke and it must be 'that time of the month'. She says he's thoughtless, that it was a cruel trick and he needs to grow up. Me? What do I say? I say nothing. I'm bang slap in the middle of it, as usual. Gordy, you know I could never choose between you, so why do you keep putting me between a rock and a hard place?

Drabble Three

D) Lady Penelope (either her thoughts or someone else's about her/what she does, etc.).

She ain't what you expect from a Lady, I know that much. She ain't normal and she don't 'alf take my Nosey for granted. Not to mention me! One time, we 'ad all these old biddies coming; three coach loads, and what did she do? Took my Nosey an' 'er precious Rolls an' did a bunk! Leavin' muggings 'ere to pander to 'em all.

I cook for 'er y'see, do a bit of 'ousework for 'er an' all, so I know. Oh, yes! I know more 'bout what goes on in that 'ouse than what she gives me credit for.

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